Weekly PRO-Democracy newsletter from Sam Fisher πŸβš–πŸ’› β€” Issue #4

Sam Fisher πŸβš–πŸ’›
4 min readAug 20, 2021

What a busy week! Afghanistan, Trump Reinstatement (LOL), Covid-19 Surge, Haiti! Whew!


Can we take a pause on the misinformation that is swirling around? We spent 20 years in Afghanistan and the region, spent over a TRILLION US dollars on equipment, training, and support, and built up a 300,000 person military force. Under any circumstances that would define a stable, prepared, capable country. The estimates were that Afghanistan would be able to protect their country from any incursion from practically any force that was threatening them. That obviously did not happen.

My friend Miss Aja (@brat2381) pointed out and fact checked some other misinformation going around related to the evacuation of Afghan citizens. The media has decided to forego any verifications and allow factually incorrect reports to be aired and printed. See below.

Our Constitution demands a free and open press. What it does not demand is an opinionated press. They are supposed to provide a means to keep our government and its members in check. Exposing wrongdoing and providing citizens a source to validate and cross-reference. They are failing on this.

Lighter Side β€” Trump Reinstatement Day!

OK out of all the normally embarrassing things someone can do this has got to be the most embarrassing of them all. Donald J. Trump actually promoted, fund raised, and got his sheep to believe that August 13th he would be sworn in as President. Well that shit did not happen! But how many millions was raised by all the grifters out there on this topic alone? This is another instance where the media failed to properly do it’s job. This should have been questioned, debunked, and called out as an outright lie. Instead, this was a story and ratings boom for the media.

August 13th came and went with no change to anything. Our democracy is safe from these fools. The 1/6 insurrection happened because republican traitors aided the terrorists and showed them how to get in and where to go. NEVER FORGET!!!

Covid-19 Surge

Covid-19 is surging in the states that are run by republicans. Coincidence? I think not. Since the beginning republicans have downplayed the severity, deaths, rate of infection, and confused some about the facts related to protecting oneself. They mocked wearing masks, social distancing, and even the actual vaccine! They are the modern day science deniers.

CDC warns lawmakers that delta variant is as contagious as chickenpox and may make people sicker than original Covid β€” www.cnbc.com
Delta, already the dominant form of the disease in the U.S., is more transmissible than the 1918 Spanish flu and Ebola, according to a document.

What’s worse is our CDC tried to provide nuance to the mask mandates. The idea was to entice non-vaccinated people to get vaccinated to avoid having to wear a mask. What happened though was the nuance was discarded and all that was taken from their guidance was no masks. Then the Delta Variant hit. Needless to say we’re going backwards in our fight against this virus.

We should be virus free by now. But the Trumps of the world decided to sow distrust and anarchy. Nothing short of mandatory vaccinations will do. We cannot continue to have people get exposed and infected by anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers. We’re paying a heavy debt for their ignorance. Its time we stop the madness and make hard choices. Get vaccinated or else confinement, fines, loss of income, loss of license, increase insurance rates, responsibility for hospital bills if hospitalization is required. Enough is enough!


God we pray that Haiti gets spared any further calamities!

Earthquake, Earthquake, Tropical Storm! With Haiti still recovering from the first 7.0 earthquake, they were hit with a second one coming in at 7.2 on the Richter scale! Then as if that were not enough, Tropical Storm Grace! We need to see a global effort to help Haiti Build Back Better. They need infrastructure, construction on a massive scale, and general aid.

I cannot discuss Haiti without shedding some light on Puerto Rico. After Hurricane Maria they are still suffering! As my friend Denise Oliver-Velez (@deoliver47) keeps pointing out!

Next Week…

Next week’s newsletter will focus on elections in Florida and voting rights. Until then, check your voting status, stay safe, get vaccinated, and encourage others to do the same!



Sam Fisher πŸβš–πŸ’›

Pro-Democrat, Pro-Democracy, Pro-America! News and opinions from Sam Fisher.